What is the difference between diamond polishing pads and other material polishing pads?_ Z-lion Diamond Tools Group


What is the difference between diamond polishing pads and other material polishing pads?

What is the difference between diamond polishing pads and other material polishing pads?

Diamond pads differ from other polishing pads in several ways. In terms of strength, they contain resin bonds that take time to wear and are strong enough to hold them together. Diamond pads are unique in different ways. First, they are extremely hard and can cut any stone.

Stones that receive polishing have distinct traits. For instance, engineered stones are great for quartz. Unlike these other pads, diamond pads have outstanding irreplaceability, they are more capable than other varieties of polishing pads. Soft stones often clog up polishing pads of other materials and make them difficult to use. 

What is the difference between diamond polishing pads and other material polishing pads?

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